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Wo Shun Kee (Tsuen Wan)


Hong Kong

Cha Chaan Teng


Shop Information

荃灣雞髀皇- 目前只營運天后店 電氣道39號 天后站A出口 中環、銅鑼灣、西九龍、長沙灣 不是本專業營運 我哋知道係「雞髀」,「脾」係for google seo,明嘅就明 Facebook Instagram

In regards of busy life among Hong Kong people, THE GULU provides Queuing, Reservation, Appointment, Promo Offer.

Queuing - Remote queuing ticket with real-time queuing status updated on APP. Push notification to remind you for the coming seat.

Reservation - Reserve table or service at anytime and anywhere. Directly pay deposit on APP

Appointment - Provide online booking channels and schedules, and online booking services

Promo Offer - Download promotional coupon and use in real time or store for next check-out

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THE GULU is a mobile application designed for busy life. It can help you queue up, book a table, make an appointment, and grab discounts.